
Friday, November 29, 2024

Turkey quads 2024

Quad 1 - 4
 Pair | Player Name                     |Total|Round|Round|Round| 
 Num  | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post)       | Pts |  1  |  2  |  3  | 
    1 | AETHELRED MAGNI HILD TEMPLIN    |2.5  |W   4|W   2|D   3|
   WI | 16614292 / Q: 1721   ->1732     |     |B    |W    |B    |
    2 | BENJAMIN ALLAN CORCORAN         |2.0  |W   3|L   1|W   4|
   WI | 12911710 / Q: 1534   ->1574     |     |W    |B    |B    |
    3 | THOR HEIDREK TEMPLIN            |1.5  |L   2|W   4|D   1|
   WI | 12481499 / Q: 1557   ->1566     |     |B    |W    |W    |
    4 | ELIE GENDLOFF                   |0.0  |L   1|L   3|L   2|
   WI | 12493180 / Q: 1583   ->1532     |     |W    |B    |W    |
Quad 5 - 8
 Pair | Player Name                     |Total|Round|Round|Round| 
 Num  | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post)       | Pts |  1  |  2  |  3  | 
    1 | REID ALEXANDER PEZEWSKI         |2.5  |D   3|W   4|W   2|
   WI | 14306385 / Q: 1406   ->1450     |     |W    |B    |B    |
    2 | KEVIN KLANDRUD                  |1.5  |D   4|W   3|L   1|
   WI | 15938368 / Q: 1362   ->1365     |     |W    |B    |W    |
    3 | CHRISTOPHER SEAMAN              |1.5  |D   1|L   2|W   4|
   WI | 12631974 / Q: 1200   ->1257     |     |B    |W    |W    |
    4 | JAMES W NICKELL                 |0.5  |D   2|L   1|L   3|
   WI | 11300855 / Q: 1500   ->1500     |     |B    |W    |B    |
Quad 9 - 12
 Pair | Player Name                     |Total|Round|Round|Round| 
 Num  | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post)       | Pts |  1  |  2  |  3  | 
    1 | CHARLES N LANDEY                |3.0  |W   4|W   3|W   2|
   WI | 12531107 / Q:  667   -> 801     |     |W    |B    |W    |
    2 | SAMUEL EVERETTE                 |2.0  |W   3|W   4|L   1|
   WI | 31836507 / Q:  575P14-> 657P17  |     |W    |B    |B    |
    3 | VEDA ANISH KAKUMANU JR.         |1.0  |L   2|L   1|W   4|
   WI | 30466766 / Q:  602   -> 589     |     |B    |W    |W    |
    4 | JAMES E MADING                  |0.0  |L   1|L   2|L   3|
   WI | 12780703 / Q:  690   -> 593     |     |B    |W    |B    |
Quad 13 - 16
 Pair | Player Name                     |Total|Round|Round|Round| 
 Num  | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post)       | Pts |  1  |  2  |  3  | 
    1 | DEVYANSHU MOHAPATRA             |2.5  |D   4|W   3|W   2|
   WI | 30263431 / Q:  530   -> 659     |     |B    |W    |B    |
    2 | THOMAS A SIMONIS                |2.0  |W   3|W   4|L   1|
   WI | 12717181 / Q: Unrated->1211P10  |     |B    |W    |W    |
    3 | ARNAV ARUN                      |1.0  |L   2|L   1|W   4|
   WI | 31559132 / Q:  334P23-> 382     |     |W    |B    |B    |
    4 | JASWANTH AKKINA                 |0.5  |D   1|L   2|L   3|
   WI | 30298526 / Q:  479   -> 450     |     |W    |B    |W    |

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

WCC Late Fall Swiss - Final Results

Hi all: Please find below the final results for this event.

Congrats to Abraham for a 2152 performance rating, and a clean win in the Open section. Very well done - you were 1.5 points clear of an 1800 norm if you'd have been able to play the last round, and a 2000 norm was in reach with a round 4 win. More to work for :) Congrats in the open section to Shravan as well for scoring 2.5 (no byes) and a performance rating of about 1709! Well done

Congrats to Devyanshu, Michael B and Shashwath for a three-way tie for first in the Reserve section. Very well done to you all, as well.

Please see the final USCF rating report below. These are always available in the MSA section of the US Chess website, this is the link for this report. I've modified the tables we use here to show most of the information displayed in that report. I will use this format going forward.

Remember, next week, Kevin is running a rated Quick Quad (G25, iirc), so drop your family in front of the TV, and come play chess!!

Thanks - John D


No. Player Name State USCF ID Pre Post Norm R1 R2 R3 R4 Total
1 Abraham Albiter Benitez WI 30432498 1445 1632 W 2
W 12
W 3
2 Ashish Kumar Mishra OH 16280074 1942 1938 1600 L 1
W 18
W 11
W 9
3 Benjamin Kerns WI 31621823 1645 1699 1600 W 22
W 9
L 1
W 10
4 Evan C Seghers WI 13712498 2111 2115 W 7
W 11
5 Robert Lee Murphy WI 12558337 1895 1901 H
W 15
W 14
6 Nicholas Sloan WI 12772484 1794 1779 B
D 14
L 10
W 13
7 Kevin Klandrud WI 15938368 1612 1610 1200 L 4
D 8
W 20
W 16
8 Shravan Sabarish WI 31184590 1342 1458 1400 L 11
D 7
W 15
W 14
9 Aaron Paul Krause WI 12422831 1924 1900 1400 W 13
L 3
W 19
L 2
10 Clark O. Mccutchin WI 12539124 1900 1900 H
D 19
W 6
L 3
11 James Jay Coons WI 12551569 1789 1781 1200 W 8
L 4
L 2
W 20
12 John De Mastri WI 12580948 1671 1631 W 21
L 1
L 13
W 18
13 James W Nickell WI 11300855 1506 1523 1200 L 9
W 22
W 12
L 6
14 Elie Gendloff WI 12493180 1635 1612 W 20
D 6
L 5
L 8
15 Michael Lawrence WI 12937940 1400 1400 H
L 5
L 8
W 21
16 Lee Chaveriat WI 15201114 1272 1275 H
W 22
L 7
17 Christopher Seaman WI 12631974 1232 1244 H
W 22
18 Mike Gundlach WI 30499807 1061 1097 H
L 2
W 21
L 12
19 Robin J Grochowski WI 11164412 1765 1760 H
D 10
L 9
20 Quinn Worman WI 31975179 1106P11 1128P15 L 14
W 21
L 7
L 11
21 Charles Raddatz WI 31919132 1265P8 1142P12 L 12
L 20
L 18
L 15
22 Randy Quist WI 12849330 1027 1002 L 3
L 13
L 16
L 17

No. Player Name State USCF ID Pre Post Norm R1 R2 R3 R4 Total
1 Devyanshu Mohapatra WI 30263431 922 912 W 10
L 7
W 12
W 5
2 Michael S Butler WI 31347931 824 852 D 11
W 3
W 9
3 Shashwath Sabarish WI 31378607 764 797 W 8
L 2
W 6
W 7
4 Shivasanjith Sendhilkumar WI 30468092 1005 967 H
L 10
W 11
W 9
5 Veda Anish Kakumanu Jr. WI 30466766 795 798 W 12
D 9
W 7
L 1
6 Samuel Everette WI 31836507 762 724 L 7
W 8
L 3
W 10
7 Jaswanth Akkina WI 30298526 605 700 W 6
W 1
L 5
L 3
8 Thomas Anton Borowski WI 30471236 141 231 L 3
L 6
W 13
W 13
9 James E Mading WI 12780703 698 680 W 13
D 5
L 2
L 4
10 Mark Rodman WI 31919446 609P16 634P19 L 1
W 4
L 6
11 Abigail Liu WI 17062691 546P17 566P19 D 2
L 4
12 Ralph F Klass WI 14366034 558 541 L 5
W 13
L 1
13 Aaditya V Jampani WI 32020397 Unrated 101P4 L 9
L 12
L 8
L 8

Wednesday, September 25, 2024














The original posting did not state correctly the name of the winner of Group 2 in the Reserve Section.  The posting has been changed to show that Shashwath won first place in Group 2.  My apologies to Shashwath.  signed/jim nickell

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

WCC Early Fall Swiss Rating Report and events over the next few days...

Hi all - great event! See the rating report below, and at USCF.

Congratulations to Mike and Ashish for a strong showing of 3.5 / 4.0 in the Open Section.
Congratulations, also, to Devyanshu for finishing the clean sweep of 4.0 in the Reserve Section.

Upcoming Events:
  • Sep 25 - Remember, we'll see you on Wed for the Ernests Rozkalns Memorial Speed Event: * 2+ Sections (likely 4 sections, 2 open / 2 reserve) * G/5 * EF $1 * Many Rounds
    Let Jim know early (reply to the email he sent or to this post) to keep it running smoothly :)
  • Sep 27 - Also, the WI SE College Chess League event scheduled for UW-Whitewater this Friday has been moved to the Medical College of Wisconsin (on the near NW side of Milw). It's a USCF rated event, let me (or Reid) know if you plan on attending and we'll get you all of the logistics.
  • Sep 28 - Saturday, the BC Open is being held in Brookfield, 4 rounds G/60d5 in one day - check it out on King Registration if you're likely to attend - space is limited.
  • Finally, SWCC is in the middle of an event now, but has a few things coming up:
    • Oct 10 - Action event in Hales Corners
    • Oct 12 - HC Challenge in Brookfield - check on King Registration for details
    • Oct 17+ - Challenger Checkmate Swiss - their next 4 week G90 event in HC
Thanks again - have a great week and hopefully we'll see you Wed.

John D

No. Player Name State USCF ID Pre Post Norm R1 R2 R3 R4 Total
1 Mike La Budde WI 12391010 1961 1974 1600 W 13/B W 7/W W 10/B D 2/W 3.5
2 Ashish Kumar Mishra OH 16280074 1868 1917 1800 W 20/B W 6/W W 3/W D 1/B 3.5
3 William P Williams WI 10310547 2200 2200 1600 W 12/B W 11/W L 2/B W 4/W 3.0
4 Aaron Paul Krause WI 12422831 1917 1926 1600 W 15/W W 5/B W 8/W L 3/B 3.0
5 John De Mastri WI 12580948 1692 1724 1600 W 21/B L 4/W W 19/B W 10/W 3.0
6 Elie Gendloff WI 12493180 1626 1642 1200 W 26/W L 2/B W 23/W W 17/B 3.0
7 Robin J Grochowski WI 11164412 1715 1713 B L 1/B W 20/W D 8/B 2.5
8 James Jay Coons WI 12551569 1704 1709 1400 W 27/B W 19/W L 4/B D 7/W 2.5
9 Abraham Albiter Benitez WI 30432498 1483 1508 L 10/B H W 18/W X 2.5
10 Nicholas Sloan WI 12772484 1820 1805 1400 W 9/W W 17/B L 1/W L 5/B 2.0
11 John Jack Creed WI 12442084 1700 1700 W 22/W L 3/B D 17/W D 13/B 2.0
12 Kevin Klandrud WI 15938368 1639 1637 L 3/W L 16/B X W 20/B 2.0
13 James W Nickell WI 11300855 1500 1510 L 1/W W 22/B H D 11/W 2.0
14 Agastya Bhadoria WI 16376618 1509 1495 H U D 21/B W 23/W 2.0
15 Lee Chaveriat WI 15201114 1354 1347 L 4/B D 21/W W 22/B H 2.0
16 Gabriel Panner IL 15342038 1876 1882 H W 12/W U U 1.5
17 Benjamin Kerns WI 31621823 1677 1649 W 23/B L 10/W D 11/B L 6/W 1.5
18 Benjamin Allan Corcoran WI 12911710 1659 1634 H U L 9/B W 21/W 1.5
19 David Arvid Periard WI 30683882 1567P18 1581P21 W 24/B L 8/B L 5/W F 1.0
20 Michael Lawrence WI 12937940 1407 1400 L 2/W W 25/B L 7/B L 12/W 1.0
21 Shravan Sabarish WI 31184590 1130 1163 L 5/W D 15/B D 14/W L 18/B 1.0
22 Randy Quist WI 12849330 1045 1032 L 11/B L 13/W L 15/W B 1.0
23 Quinn Worman WI 31975179 1029P4 1029P7 L 17/W X L 6/B L 14/B 1.0
24 Ethan J Allen WI 10311390 2141 2119 L 19/W H U U 0.5
25 Evan M Hansen WI 30180479 1085 1077 H L 20/W F U 0.5
26 Mike Gundlach WI 30499807 1049 1047 L 6/B H U U 0.5
27 Tr Haas WI 16553240 1150 1148 L 8/W F U U 0.0

No. Player Name State USCF ID Pre Post Norm R1 R2 R3 R4 Total
1 Devyanshu Mohapatra WI 30263431 775 897 W 13/B W 6/W W 7/W W 2/B 4.0
2 James E Mading WI 12780703 377 682 W 4/B W 9/W W 10/B L 1/W 3.0
3 Michael S Butler WI 31347931 858 835 L 6/B W 13/W D 9/B W 7/W 2.5
4 Charles N Landey WI 12531107 767 777 L 2/W W 8/B W 11/W H 2.5
5 Veda Anish Kakumanu Jr. WI 30466766 758 755 W 12/W L 7/B D 6/W W 10/B 2.5
6 Jaswanth Akkina WI 30298526 583 750 W 3/W L 1/B D 5/B W 9/W 2.5
7 Shashwath Sabarish WI 31378607 586 685 W 11/W W 5/W L 1/B L 3/B 2.0
8 Abigail Liu WI 17062691 620P10 612P14 L 9/B L 4/W W 13/B W 12/W 2.0
9 Shivasanjith Sendhilkumar WI 30468092 872 803 W 8/W L 2/B D 3/W L 6/B 1.5
10 Mark Rodman WI 31919446 663P9 621P12 H W 14/B L 2/W L 5/W 1.5
11 Michael Fitzsimmons WI 31980534 992P3 767P6 L 7/B W 12/W L 4/B F 1.0
12 Samuel Everette WI 31836507 557P15 522P19 L 5/B L 11/B W 14/W L 8/B 1.0
13 Thomas Anton Borowski WI 30471236 139 140 L 1/W L 3/B L 8/W B 1.0
14 Arnav Arun WI 31559132 510 449 H L 10/W L 12/B F 0.5

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Hot Weather Swiss - Final Crosstables

Congratulations to the two section winners - Eli Baumann and Aarav Sinha!!
Both of these tough competitors crossed ratings' thresholds too! Eli went over 2000 and Aarav over 1000!!!

No. Player Name State USCF ID Pre Post R1 R2 R3 R4 Total
1 Eli Baumann WI 13047580 1973 2005 W 14 W 11 W 7 W 2 4.0
2 Ashish Kumar Mishra OH 16280074 1834 1868 W 15 W 22 W 13 L 1 3.0
3 John Jack Creed WI 12442084 1700 1716 H W 9 X 21 D 4 3.0
4 John De Mastri WI 12580948 1654 1708 W 16 W 10 D 6 D 3 3.0
5 Abraham Albiter Benitez WI 30432498 1259 1483 W 8 L 13 W 22 W 14 3.0
6 Robert Lee Murphy WI 12558337 1903 1895 H W 12 D 4 D 8 2.5
7 Matthew W Roeder WI 12622916 1812 1821 W 17 W 21 L 1 H 2.5
8 James Jay Coons WI 12551569 1731 1726 L 5 W 17 W 15 D 6 2.5
9 Benjamin Allan Corcoran WI 12911710 1592 1659 D 20 L 3 W 18 W 13 2.5
10 Elie Gendloff WI 12493180 1608 1626 W 19 L 4 W 11 H 2.5
11 Nicholas Sloan WI 12772484 1849 1820 W 24 L 1 L 10 W 19 2.0
12 Robin J Grochowski WI 11164412 1687 1685 H L 6 D 16 W 22 2.0
13 William P Williams WI 10310547 2200 2200 H W 5 L 2 L 9 1.5
14 Benjamin Kerns WI 31621823 1717 1677 L 1 D 18 W 23 L 5 1.5
15 Reid Alexander Pezewski WI 14306385 1552 1538 L 2 W 25 L 8 H 1.5
16 Agastya Bhadoria WI 16376618 1511 1509 L 4 H D 12 D 17 1.5
17 James W Nickell WI 11300855 1500 1500 L 7 L 8 B D 16 1.5
18 Michael Lawrence WI 12937940 1400 1406 L 21 D 14 L 9 W 25 1.5
19 Shravan Sabarish WI 31184590 1098 1119 L 10 H W 25 L 11 1.5
20 Aaron Paul Krause WI 12422831 1927 1917 D 9 H U U 1.0
21 Sujay Sureshkumar MO 16309330 1752 1742 W 18 L 7 F 3 U 1.0
22 Kevin Klandrud WI 15938368 1693 1639 X 25 L 2 L 5 L 12 1.0
23 Ilya Kravtsov WI 30984461 1297 1292 H U L 14 U 0.5
24 Lee Chaveriat WI 15201114 1421 1416 L 11 U U U 0.0
25 Randy Quist WI 12849330 1109 1072 F 22 L 15 L 19 L 18 0.0

No. Player Name State USCF ID Pre Post R1 R2 R3 R4 Total
1 Aarav Sinha WI 30796307 982 1063 W 17 W 9 W 2 W 6 4.0
2 Quinn Worman WI 31975179 Unrated 1029P4 W 21 W 11 L 1 W 7 3.0
3 Shashwath Sabarish WI 31378607 544 699 W 15 H D 7 W 12 3.0
4 Michael Fitzsimmons WI 31980534 Unrated 992P3 H W 8 L 5 W 14 2.5
5 Hrishikesh Srivathsan WI 16964942 931 914 L 12 B W 4 H 2.5
6 Shivasanjith Sendhilkumar WI 30468092 801 812 W 13 H W 17 L 1 2.5
7 Anirudh Sribhasyam WI 30969692 493P11 707P15 W 10 W 20 D 3 L 2 2.5
8 Veda Anish Kakumanu Jr. WI 30466766 790 789 H L 4 W 15 D 10 2.0
9 Devyanshu Mohapatra WI 30263431 825 775 W 19 L 1 L 12 W 18 2.0
10 Charles N Landey WI 12531107 810 767 L 7 W 18 D 11 D 8 2.0
11 Mark Rodman WI 31919446 569P6 663P9 W 14 L 2 D 10 H 2.0
12 Jaswanth Akkina WI 30298526 510 611 W 5 L 13 W 9 L 3 2.0
13 Samuel Everette WI 31836507 447P11 557P15 L 6 W 12 L 14 W 17 2.0
14 Cole Richlen WI 17208440 915 855 L 11 H W 13 L 4 1.5
15 Abigail Liu WI 17062691 701P7 620P10 L 3 H L 8 W 19 1.5
16 Michael S Butler WI 31347931 854 858 W 18 U U U 1.0
17 Arnav Arun WI 31559132 550 510 L 1 W 19 L 6 L 13 1.0
18 James E Mading WI 12780703 397 377 L 16 L 10 B L 9 1.0
19 Thomas Anton Borowski WI 30471236 138 139 L 9 L 17 B L 15 1.0
20 Christian Raymond WI 31393273 985 931 H L 7 U U 0.5
21 Al Pezewski Jr. WI 30024632 911P6 860P7 L 2 H U U 0.5
22 Zaher Haidar WI 30902497 535 535 H U U U 0.5

Monday, July 29, 2024

Summer Swiss - Final Crosstables

No. Player Name State USCF ID Pre Post R1 R2 R3 R4 Total
1 Nicholas Sloan WI 12772484 1736 1849 W 24 W 11 W 10 W 5 4.0
2 Eli Baumann WI 13047580 1969 1978 W 23 H W 6 H 3.0
3 Sujay Sureshkumar MO 16309330 1727 1752 B U W 23 W 13 3.0
4 Benjamin Kerns WI 31621823 1637P24 1729 W 12 D 5 D 13 W 11 3.0
5 Stanley Thomas Garvin WI 12016600 1751 1758 W 19 D 4 W 18 L 1 2.5
6 James Jay Coons WI 12551569 1728 1719 D 20 W 21 L 2 W 19 2.5
7 Robin J Grochowski WI 11164412 1693 1697 D 16 W 20 H D 12 2.5
8 Reid Alexander Pezewski WI 14306385 1530 1552 L 11 W 22 W 14 H 2.5
9 Abraham Albiter Benitez WI 30432498 1206 1259 H U B W 18 2.5
10 William P Williams WI 10310547 2200 2200 W 14 D 18 L 1 H 2.0
11 Ashish Kumar Mishra OH 16280074 1860 1834 W 8 L 1 W 15 L 4 2.0
12 Matthew W Roeder WI 12622916 1846 1812 L 4 D 19 W 20 D 7 2.0
13 John De Mastri WI 12580948 1648 1643 W 26 H D 4 L 3 2.0
14 Kevin Klandrud WI 15938368 1637 1633 L 10 W 26 L 8 W 23 2.0
15 Agastya Bhadoria WI 16376618 1514 1511 H W 25 L 11 H 2.0
16 Dj Richlen WI 12522845 1471 1489 D 7 L 17 H W 24 2.0
17 Benjamin E Durost WI 17214574 2019 2020 H W 16 U U 1.5
18 John Jack Creed WI 12442084 1708 1700 W 22 D 10 L 5 L 9 1.5
19 James W Nickell WI 11300855 1500 1500 L 5 D 12 X L 6 1.5
20 Lee Chaveriat WI 15201114 1425 1439 D 6 L 7 L 12 W 26 1.5
21 Randy Quist WI 12849330 1145P23 1164P25 H L 6 F W 25 1.5
22 Kevin Panzarella WI 31647884 883P14 959P17 L 18 L 8 W 26 H 1.5
23 Elie Gendloff WI 12493180 1639 1608 L 2 W 24 L 3 L 14 1.0
24 Christopher Seaman WI 12631974 1249 1232 L 1 L 23 H L 16 0.5
25 Shravan Sabarish WI 31184590 1099 1071 H L 15 U L 21 0.5
26 Charles Raddatz WI 31919132 1501P4 1265P8 L 13 L 14 L 22 L 20 0.0

No. Player Name State USCF ID Pre Post R1 R2 R3 R4 Total
1 Hrishikesh Srivathsan WI 16964942 788 931 W 20 W 15 W 9 W 3 4.0
2 Aarav Sinha WI 30796307 894 982 H W 13 W 15 W 7 3.5
3 Michael S Butler WI 31347931 845 854 W 16 W 18 W 8 L 1 3.0
4 Devyanshu Mohapatra WI 30263431 822 825 L 7 W 11 W 18 W 9 3.0
5 Shivasanjith Sendhilkumar WI 30468092 732 801 W 19 L 9 W 17 W 8 3.0
6 Anirudh Sribhasyam WI 30969692 401P9 493P11 H U W 16 W 12 2.5
7 Cole Richlen WI 17208440 951 915 W 4 L 8 W 10 L 2 2.0
8 Charles N Landey WI 12531107 831 810 W 17 W 7 L 3 L 5 2.0
9 Abigail Liu WI 17062691 615P3 701P7 W 11 W 5 L 1 L 4 2.0
10 Mark Rodman WI 31919446 633P4 569P6 L 15 X L 7 B 2.0
11 Jaswanth Akkina WI 30298526 441 493 L 9 L 4 X W 15 2.0
12 Shashwath Sabarish WI 31378607 597 569 H W 20 U L 6 1.5
13 Arnav Arun WI 31559132 588 550 H L 2 L 14 W 18 1.5
14 Zaher Haidar WI 30902497 488 535 H U W 13 U 1.5
15 Veda Anish Kakumanu Jr. WI 30466766 868 790 W 10 L 1 L 2 L 11 1.0
16 James E Mading WI 12780703 435 397 L 3 F L 6 X 1.0
17 Jaiharini Sendhilkumar WI 30674663 200 195 L 8 X L 5 U 1.0
18 Thomas Anton Borowski WI 30471236 137 138 B L 3 L 4 L 13 1.0
19 Avinash Muthupandiyan WI 15901297 988 940 L 5 F F F 0.0
20 Abraham Fredrick Sloan WI 30633234 429 401 L 1 L 12 U U 0.0

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Chess in the Park

Sunday, July 14 1:00 - 6:00 PM

Join the Waukesha Chess Club for a Sunday afternoon in the park.
July 14 from 1:00 - 6:00

Mitchell Park in Brookfield
19805 W Capitol Dr, Brookfield

(follow signs to the Sharon Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts – we are next door).

We will be serving hamburgers, hot dogs, brats, chips, soda and a good time.

Bring your tailgate games such as ladder toss, corn hole, pocket passer and anything else.
We will have chessboards and clocks for a speed tournament.
You are invited to bring your own clock and set.

I need a head count for planning purposes so please let me know if you are coming. Friends are welcome!

Contact Kevin Klandrud

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Spring Swiss - Final Crosstables

No. Player Name State USCF ID Pre Post R1 R2 R3 R4 Total
1 John De Mastri WI 12580948 1756 1768 W 10 H D 7 W 9 3.0
2 James Jay Coons WI 12551569 1722 1734 W 15 W 8 D 3 D 4 3.0
3 Nicholas Sloan WI 12772484 1643 1720 W 5 W 9 D 2 H 3.0
4 Andrew Pennell WI 16258160 1667 1682 W 11 W 12 H D 2 3.0
5 Clark O. Mccutchin WI 12539124 1900 1900 L 3 W 13 H W 8 2.5
6 Ashish Kumar Mishra OH 16280074 1886 1861 L 8 W 15 W 12 D 7 2.5
7 Robin J Grochowski WI 11164412 1707 1709 D 13 W 18 D 1 D 6 2.5
8 Kevin Klandrud WI 15938368 1605 1649 W 6 L 2 W 17 L 5 2.0
9 Benjamin Kerns WI 31621823 1648P16 1629P20 W 21 L 3 W 10 L 1 2.0
10 Lee Chaveriat WI 15201114 1394 1406 L 1 W 11 L 9 W 18 2.0
11 Shravan Sabarish WI 31184590 1015 1105 L 4 L 10 W 19 W 17 2.0
12 James W Nickell WI 11300855 1500 1516 W 17 L 4 L 6 H 1.5
13 Michael Lawrence WI 12937940 1400 1410 D 7 L 5 D 18 H 1.5
14 Christopher Seaman WI 12631974 1244 1249 H W 19 U U 1.5
15 Mike Gundlach WI 30499807 1073 1081 L 2 L 6 H W 19 1.5
16 William P Williams WI 10310547 2200 2201 U U U W 20 1.0
17 John Jack Creed WI 12442084 1781 1702 L 12 X 21 L 8 L 11 1.0
18 Daniel P Gleason WI 10311331 1375 1352 H L 7 D 13 L 10 1.0
19 Chris Turner Sr. WI 31528625 861P19 831P22 H L 14 L 11 L 15 0.5
20 Elie Gendloff WI 12493180 1650 1648 U U U L 16 0.0
21 Troy Mosby Jr. WI 31525143 1173P13 1169P14 L 9 F 17 U U 0.0

No. Player Name State USCF ID Pre Post R1 R2 R3 R4 Total
1 Kevin Panzarella WI 31647884 675P9 884P13 W 5 W 10 W 2 W 4 4.0
2 Veda Anish Kakumanu Jr. WI 30466766 959 936 W 6 W 8 L 1 W 5 3.0
3 Michael S Butler WI 31347931 879 823 D 7 L 4 W 8 W 10 2.5
4 Charles N Landey WI 12531107 719 766 H W 3 W 7 L 1 2.5
5 Arnav Arun WI 31559132 539 588 L 1 W 6 W 10 L 2 2.0
6 Shashwath Sabarish WI 31378607 528 547 L 2 L 5 W 9 W 7 2.0
7 James E Mading WI 12780703 446 474 D 3 W 9 L 4 L 6 1.5
8 Thomas Anton Borowski WI 30471236 136 136 B L 2 L 3 H 1.5
9 Jaswanth Akkina WI 30298526 601 471 L 10 L 7 L 6 B 1.0
10 Samuel Everette WI 31836507 314P4 379P8 W 9 L 1 L 5 L 3 1.0

Friday, April 5, 2024

2024 Early Spring Swiss Chess Tournament - Results

Congratulations to Veda in the Reserve and Ashish and I were lucky enough to hold it together in the Open!

See you Wed!


No. Player Name State USCF ID Pre Post R1 R2 R3 R4 Total
1 Ashish Kumar Mishra OH 16280074 1874 1886 W 9 W 8 D 2 W 6 3.5
2 John De Mastri WI 12580948 1741 1789 W 14 W 12 D 1 W 8 3.5
3 Deepak Khas WI 30256079 1901 1915 W 13 W 7 H U 2.5
4 James Jay Coons WI 12551569 1724 1720 D 6 L 11 W 15 W 9 2.5
5 Nate Joseph Van Beek WI 31450108 1647 1655 W 10 H L 6 W 12 2.5
6 Reid Alexander Pezewski WI 14306385 1476 1583 D 4 W 13 W 5 L 1 2.5
7 Robin J Grochowski WI 11164412 1729 1730 W 18 L 3 H D 11 2.0
8 Nicholas Sloan WI 12772484 1651 1643 W 17 L 1 W 10 L 2 2.0
9 Kevin Klandrud WI 15938368 1583 1605 L 1 W 18 W 11 L 4 2.0
10 Lee Chaveriat WI 15201114 1470 1470 L 5 W 14 L 8 W 17 2.0
11 Aaron Paul Krause WI 12422831 1914 1869 L 12 W 4 L 9 D 7 1.5
12 Elie Gendloff WI 12493180 1672 1668 W 11 L 2 H L 5 1.5
13 Benjamin Kerns WI 31621823 1712P12 1648P16 L 3 L 6 D 17 W 18 1.5
14 James W Nickell WI 11300855 1500 1500 L 2 L 10 W 18 D 15 1.5
15 Mike Gundlach WI 30499807 1052 1073 L 16 B L 4 D 14 1.5
16 Matthew W Roeder WI 12622916 1870 1870 W 15 U U U 1.0
17 Shravan Sabarish WI 31184590 918 943 L 8 H D 13 L 10 1.0
18 Michael Lawrence WI 12937940 1401 1400 L 7 L 9 L 14 L 13 0.0

No. Player Name State USCF ID Pre Post R1 R2 R3 R4 Total
1 Veda Anish Kakumanu Jr. WI 30466766 879 959 W 13 W 6 W 5 W 2 4.0
2 Michael S Butler WI 31347931 845 879 W 10 W 7 W 3 L 1 3.0
3 Chris Turner Sr. WI 31528625 859P15 861P19 W 4 W 8 L 2 W 6 3.0
4 Shashwath Sabarish WI 31378607 470 558 L 3 W 11 X W 8 3.0
5 Arnav Arun WI 31559132 376P23 539 H W 9 L 1 W 10 2.5
6 Shivasanjith Sendhilkumar WI 30468092 720 736 W 11 L 1 W 7 L 3 2.0
7 Kevin Panzarella WI 31647884 711P5 675P9 W 14 L 2 L 6 W 11 2.0
8 Jaiharini Sendhilkumar WI 30674663 135 238 B L 3 W 9 L 4 2.0
9 Jaswanth Akkina WI 30298526 701 601 H L 5 L 8 W 13 1.5
10 James E Mading WI 12780703 470 446 L 2 W 14 H L 5 1.5
11 Ralph F Klass WI 14366034 726 626 L 6 L 4 W 14 L 7 1.0
12 Duane Alan Westcott Jr. WI 31103973 573P15 578P16 U W 13 F U 1.0
13 Thomas Anton Borowski WI 30471236 135 136 L 1 L 12 B L 9 1.0
14 Samuel Everette WI 31836507 Unrated 101P3 L 7 L 10 L 11 B 1.0

No. Player Name State USCF ID Pre Post R1 R2 R3 R4 Total
1 Nate Joseph Van Beek WI 31450108 1655 1655 U U W 4 U 1.0
2 Samuel Everette WI 31836507 101P3 314P4 U U U W 3 1.0
3 Ralph F Klass WI 14366034 626 561 U U U L 2 0.0
4 Thomas Anton Borowski WI 30471236 136 136 U U L 1 U 0.0

Thursday, April 4, 2024

 Waukesha Chess Club Speed Championship Tournament

The tournament was held at the Eagles Club on Wednesday, April 3, 2024.  There were 23 players, ranging in rating from 325 to 1874.

Play was in sections.  Section winners played each other in two-game playoffs, and then a final playoff for the championship.

Section winners were Aaron Krause with 2 points against John De Mastri with 1 point, and Evan Seghers with 2 points against Mike La Budde.  In the championship playoff Evan Seghers scored 2 points.

Congratulations to Evan Seghers on becoming the club speed champion!  This follows by one week his fine performance in the club championship (with regular time control), which he won.  Overall, this was remarkable.  Evan scored 6 wins, no draws, no losses in the club championship tournament.  Then, he scored 12 wins, no draws, no losses in the speed tournament sectional, followed by 2 wins, no draws, no losses, in the preliminary section playoff, and next 2 more wins, no draws, no losses in the championship playoff.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Speed Championship Details, 4/3

On Wednesday, April 3, the Waukesha Chess Club will hold its annual speed championship tournament.

Tournament details are as follows:

Round Robin in sections; each player will play everyone else in the section, once with White, once with Black

Time control:  5 minutes per game, no delay setting

To win on time, if one player's time has expired, the opponent must have mating material to claim a win on time; otherwise, the game is a draw.

A move is not complete until the player has pressed the clock to stop his/her clock and start the opponent's clock.

A King in check may be captured; this ends the game.

In case of an illegal move, reset the board to the position before the illegal move was made, and continue the game.

Entry Fee:  $1; 

Ignore the coffee can.  No rent payment is due for this tournament.

This is an "Unrated" tournament.  No USCF membership is required..

Notify Jim or reply here before Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. if you want to play, or come to the Eagles Club and enter before 7:00 p.m. Wednesday.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

WCC Club Championship - Rating report including R6 results

Congratulations again to Evan Seghers - 2022/3/4 - 3-time Repeating WCC Champion - for a tremendous result.
Congratulations also to Chris, Veda and Shravan for a great performance and a 3-way tie for first in the Reserve section.

Also, calling out great results for Ben Kerns (+150 Elo) - shoring up his rising provisional rating and Lee Chaveriat (+170 Elo)... got my eye on you both going forward!
In the reserve section, Veda, Jaswanth and Shivasanjith had > 100 Elo jumps with this event, great job - see you in the Open section soon!

Thanks to Mike L for providing the Python script to generate these fancy crosstable results with absolutely zero fuss - certainly going to have to mod this to make the round/pairings posts easier to create and read.

Finally, thanks to everyone who participated for making it easy to re-learn how to TD - WCC is a great club...

See you Wed!


See below rating report for prize splits - HUGE THANKS to the WCC board for approving $100 for 1st place and $100 additional prize cash to guarantee the Open prize pool!!

Final Crosstables / Results / Rating Report:
No. Player Name State USCF ID Pre Post R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total
1 Evan C Seghers WI 13712498 2143 2162 W 8 W 16 W 3 W 2 W 4 W 7 6.0
2 Mike La Budde WI 12391010 1950 1953 W 17 W 9 D 4 L 1 W 14 D 3 4.0
3 Aaron Paul Krause WI 12422831 1902 1914 W 15 W 13 L 1 W 16 D 7 D 2 4.0
4 Gregory John Cravetz WI 12936925 1784 1876 W 11 W 7 D 2 W 5 L 1 H 4.0
5 Benjamin Kerns WI 31621823 1559P7 1712P12 W 18 D 6 W 12 L 4 B D 9 4.0
6 Robert Lee Murphy WI 12558337 1920 1912 D 14 D 5 W 17 L 7 W 12 D 11 3.5
7 Ashish Kumar Mishra OH 16280074 1828 1845 W 19 L 4 W 13 W 6 D 3 L 1 3.5
8 John De Mastri WI 12580948 1738 1754 L 1 W 19 D 11 L 13 X W 16 3.5
9 Chris Wainscott WI 12503540 1753 1753 W 20 L 2 W 15 H H D 5 3.5
10 Lee Chaveriat WI 15201114 1316 1487 D 12 L 11 L 14 W 21 W 18 W 19 3.5
11 William P Williams WI 10310547 2200 2200 L 4 W 10 D 8 L 14 W 15 D 6 3.0
12 Matthew W Roeder WI 12622916 1923 1885 D 10 W 14 L 5 H L 6 W 21 3.0
13 Robin J Grochowski WI 11164412 1708 1709 B L 3 L 7 W 8 D 16 D 14 3.0
14 Elie Gendloff WI 12493180 1600 1672 D 6 L 12 W 10 W 11 L 2 D 13 3.0
15 Kevin Klandrud WI 15938368 1527 1583 L 3 W 18 L 9 W 17 L 11 B 3.0
16 James Jay Coons WI 12551569 1784 1756 W 21 L 1 W 20 L 3 D 13 L 8 2.5
17 Nicholas Sloan WI 12772484 1652 1625 L 2 W 21 L 6 L 15 B H 2.5
18 Clark O. Mccutchin WI 12539124 1901 1900 L 5 L 15 W 19 H L 10 H 2.0
19 James W Nickell WI 11300855 1505 1500 L 7 L 8 L 18 B W 21 L 10 2.0
20 Mike Gundlach WI 30499807 1054 1052 L 9 B L 16 H F U 1.5
21 Michael Lawrence WI 12937940 1400 1400 L 16 L 17 B L 10 L 19 L 12 1.0

No. Player Name State USCF ID Pre Post R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total
1 Shravan Sabarish WI 31184590 924 928 W 10 D 5 W 8 L 2 W 11 W 6 4.5
2 Veda Anish Kakumanu Jr. WI 30466766 764 879 W 9 W 6 D 5 W 1 L 3 W 7 4.5
3 Chris Turner Sr. WI 31528625 775P10 859P15 H L 8 W 10 W 12 W 2 W 5 4.5
4 James G. Heckenkamp WI 30330435 815P11 758P15 L 6 L 9 B W 14 X W 11 4.0
5 Michael S Butler WI 31347931 865 845 W 13 D 1 D 2 W 9 D 6 L 3 3.5
6 Jaswanth Akkina WI 30298526 555 701 W 4 L 2 W 14 W 11 D 5 L 1 3.5
7 Kevin Panzarella WI 31647884 Unrated 711P5 H W 12 L 11 D 8 W 9 L 2 3.0
8 Shivasanjith Sendhilkumar WI 30468092 533 701 H W 3 L 1 D 7 F W 12 3.0
9 Shashwath Sabarish WI 31378607 492 560 L 2 W 4 W 15 L 5 L 7 W 13 3.0
10 Arnav Arun WI 31559132 333P18 376P23 L 1 H L 3 W 15 D 13 W 14 3.0
11 Ralph F Klass WI 14366034 796 726 D 12 W 14 W 7 L 6 L 1 L 4 2.5
12 Anthony Davis WI 31711757 Unrated 605P6 D 11 L 7 W 13 L 3 W 16 L 8 2.5
13 James E Mading WI 12780703 570 470 L 5 D 15 L 12 B D 10 L 9 2.0
14 Thomas Anton Borowski WI 30471236 151 135 B L 11 L 6 L 4 X L 10 2.0
15 Jaiharini Sendhilkumar WI 30674663 124 135 H D 13 L 9 L 10 F B 2.0
16 Duane Alan Westcott Jr. WI 31103973 611P14 573P15 H H U U L 12 F 1.0

No. Player Name State USCF ID Pre Post R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Total
1 Nicholas Sloan WI 12772484 1625 1651 U U U U W 4 1.0
2 Michael Lawrence WI 12937940 1400 1401 U U W 3 U U 1.0
3 James G. Heckenkamp WI 30330435 758P15 758P17 U U L 2 U W 5 1.0
4 John De Mastri WI 12580948 1754 1730 U U U U L 1 0.0
5 Thomas Anton Borowski WI 30471236 135 135 U U U U L 3 0.0

Prizes - class eligibility by published pre-event rating (in parens):
1st $100 (2074) Seghers, Evan C
A $21
- tie 21/3 = $7 each

(1986) La Budde, Mike
(1894) Krause, Aaron Paul
(1802) Cravetz, Gregory John
B (1600-1799) $20 (1795) De Mastri, John
C (1400-1599) $20 (1559) Kerns, Benjamin
D (1200-1399) $20 (1277) Chaveriat, Lee
E (1000-1199) $20 (1073) Gundlach, Mike

1st $20
G (600-799) $10
- tie (20+10) / 10 = $10 each
(813) Turner, Chris, Sr
(799) Kakumanu, Veda Anish Anish, J
(721) Sabarish, Shravan
H (400-599) = $10 (567) Akkina, Jaswanth
I (200-399) = $10 (323) Arun, Arnav

Sunday, February 25, 2024

42nd Waukesha Memorial Crosstables

No. Player Name State USCF ID Pre Post R1 R2 R3 R4 Total
1 Christopher Timothy Atkeson CA 17080462 2165 2172 W 50 W 10 W 19 W 8 4.0
2 Evan C Seghers WI 13712498 2133 2143 W 51 W 30 W 22 W 4 4.0
3 John Alexander Zapata Hincapie WI 15414666 2244 2240 W 20 W 12 D 7 W 9 3.5
4 Allen J Becker WI 10481783 2002 2003 W 45 W 26 W 11 L 2 3.0
5 Mike La Budde WI 12391010 1954 1950 D 31 W 28 W 33 D 6 3.0
6 Aradh Kaur WI 15085398 1954 1949 D 28 W 60 W 43 D 5 3.0
7 Matthew W Roeder WI 12622916 1903 1923 W 39 W 13 D 3 D 16 3.0
8 Jonathon D Prenot WI 12818001 1907 1914 W 32 W 14 W 29 L 1 3.0
9 Josh Kueker IL 12695504 1732 1776 W 15 W 58 W 16 L 3 3.0
10 Wade Christensen WI 12439617 1718 1735 W 54 L 1 W 36 W 32 3.0
11 Elizabeth Xia IL 30428139 1705 1724 W 61 W 35 L 4 W 31 3.0
12 Andrew Pennell WI 16258160 1688 1707 W 46 L 3 W 39 W 33 3.0
13 Neo Wei WI 17322147 1535 1686 W 17 L 7 W 42 W 22 3.0
14 Dane Edward Knoch WI 16070458 1634 1639 W 47 L 8 W 56 W 40 3.0
15 Elizabeth Kay Marsh WI 16768824 1380 1547 L 9 W 49 W 30 W 29 3.0
16 Sean O Weckerly WI 12818512 1973 1958 W 44 W 27 L 9 D 7 2.5
17 Guy G Hoffman WI 10314402 1916 1900 L 13 W 38 D 31 W 43 2.5
18 Gregory John Cravetz WI 12936925 1802 1784 W 52 L 33 W 34 H 2.5
19 John De Mastri WI 12580948 1730 1733 W 64 W 36 L 1 D 20 2.5
20 David Sagunsky WI 12597668 1612 1625 L 3 W 46 W 60 D 19 2.5
21 Vaughn Wampole VA 16079945 1875 1855 L 37 W 52 W 45 U 2.0
22 Mark W Lencho WI 12627777 1770 1755 W 53 W 37 L 2 L 13 2.0
23 James G Letellier WI 30671933 1755 1737 L 35 W 53 W 37 U 2.0
24 James Mueller WI 11151132 1760 1726 D 38 L 31 D 28 W 52 2.0
25 Adam W Dreuth WI 14331435 1711 1683 L 58 W 61 W 57 U 2.0
26 Mark S Engelen WI 12495634 1684 1664 W 65 L 4 D 35 D 38 2.0
27 Nicholas Sloan WI 12772484 1651 1652 W 56 L 16 W 58 U 2.0
28 Samuel Kuten WI 17150475 1628 1644 D 6 L 5 D 24 W 57 2.0
29 Kyle Thomas Connery WI 30325136 1638 1639 W 59 W 48 L 8 L 15 2.0
30 Radhika Gupta WI 15961920 1651 1634 W 57 L 2 L 15 W 54 2.0
31 Bj Ross WI 12663089 1571 1633 D 5 W 24 D 17 L 11 2.0
32 Alex Giris WI 14649830 1513 1545 L 8 W 47 W 48 L 10 2.0
33 Ojas Sahoo WI 30019137 1451 1544 W 62 W 18 L 5 L 12 2.0
34 Alex Jonathon Schwartz WI 13394696 1528 1524 L 48 W 59 L 18 W 58 2.0
35 Agastya Bhadoria WI 16376618 1430 1514 W 23 L 11 D 26 D 42 2.0
36 Timothy Hagen WI 30328126 1482 1507 W 42 L 19 L 10 W 56 2.0
37 Alan E Buschmann WI 11132219 1429 1470 W 21 L 22 L 23 W 59 2.0
38 Joe A Larson WI 12764534 1331 1449 D 24 L 17 W 62 D 26 2.0
39 Hunter Fite WI 30134026 1370 1424 L 7 W 62 L 12 W 60 2.0
40 Mrs. Paul Peltier Jr. WI 12744981 1157 1292 L 43 W 63 W 50 L 14 2.0
41 Robert Lee Murphy WI 12558337 1927 1920 W 63 D 43 U U 1.5
42 James Jay Coons WI 12551569 1778 1726 L 36 W 64 L 13 D 35 1.5
43 Bob Gallenberg WI 12779870 1649 1652 W 40 D 41 L 6 L 17 1.5
44 Andrey Korolev WI 14456371 1636 1591 L 16 L 56 D 55 W 61 1.5
45 Asher Frederick WI 30229860 1583 1564 L 4 W 65 L 21 D 46 1.5
46 Lee Chaveriat WI 15201114 1221 1298 L 12 L 20 W 51 D 45 1.5
47 Riley Derozier WI 31170721 1221 1244 L 14 L 32 W 64 H 1.5
48 Ashish Kumar Mishra OH 16280074 1874 1828 W 34 L 29 L 32 U 1.0
49 Elie Gendloff WI 12493180 1645 1600 L 60 L 15 D 61 H 1.0
50 Andrew Stevens WI 12892927 1614 1586 L 1 W 54 L 40 U 1.0
51 Tim Budelier WI 12847320 1601 1548 L 2 L 57 L 46 W 63 1.0
52 David Timothy Lancour WI 13352672 1410 1404 L 18 L 21 W 65 L 24 1.0
53 Mitchell Ryan Wilson WI 30282734 1411 1364 L 22 L 23 L 59 B 1.0
54 Jim Duncan WI 14540791 1284P14 1302P18 L 10 L 50 W 63 L 30 1.0
55 Reid Alexander Pezewski WI 14306385 1272 1291 U U D 44 H 1.0
56 Conner Bradley Schoon WI 30335653 1218 1248 L 27 W 44 L 14 L 36 1.0
57 Harsha Veerabhadraiah WI 30153556 1186 1228 L 30 W 51 L 25 L 28 1.0
58 Ishaan Harsha WI 30155743 1174 1220 W 25 L 9 L 27 L 34 1.0
59 Beckett Hammons WI 30272890 1115 1145 L 29 L 34 W 53 L 37 1.0
60 Edward Zheng WI 30454297 1089 1140 W 49 L 6 L 20 L 39 1.0
61 Sandra R Hoffman WI 10318033 1300 1300 L 11 L 25 D 49 L 44 0.5
62 Senthil Sundaram WI 12457597 1810 1800 L 33 L 39 L 38 U 0.0
63 Dj Richlen WI 12522845 1554 1471 L 41 L 40 L 54 L 51 0.0
64 Russ Holmes WI 12804781 1401 1359 L 19 L 42 L 47 U 0.0
65 Carter K Corzatt WI 30299250 1181 1162 L 26 L 45 L 52 U 0.0

RBO (Rated Beginner Open - 1200)
No. Player Name State USCF ID Pre Post R1 R2 R3 R4 Total
1 Aaron Jerome Frederick WI 30742219 797P20 1035P24 W 20 W 11 W 3 W 5 4.0
2 Kyle Coplan WI 13048137 1191 1171 L 5 W 23 W 9 W 6 3.0
3 Alexander Hammel WI 16737685 1102P15 1088P19 W 19 W 8 L 1 W 13 3.0
4 Max Wei WI 30562149 1006 1008 W 15 W 13 L 5 W 12 3.0
5 Cole Richlen WI 17208440 734 951 W 2 W 21 W 4 L 1 3.0
6 Sean Raasch WI 30043440 810P9 908P13 W 24 W 18 W 12 L 2 3.0
7 Aarav Sinha WI 30796307 889P25 882 W 17 L 12 W 15 W 14 3.0
8 Ishaan Harish WI 30259184 738 832 X L 3 W 22 W 11 3.0
9 Joel Chanson WI 30087304 932 931 W 14 D 10 L 2 W 18 2.5
10 Hrishikesh Srivathsan WI 16964942 768 787 X D 9 L 11 W 19 2.5
11 Spencer Miesfeld WI 30426418 1092 1031 W 16 L 1 W 10 L 8 2.0
12 John A Blimling WI 12756015 942 919 W 22 W 7 L 6 L 4 2.0
13 Chad Millar WI 30706762 735P10 730P14 W 26 L 4 W 16 L 3 2.0
14 Nathaniel Hammons WI 30682297 484P8 559P12 L 9 W 24 W 21 L 7 2.0
15 Shivasanjith Sendhilkumar WI 30468092 472 549 L 4 W 26 L 7 W 21 2.0
16 Shashwath Sabarish WI 31378607 412 475 L 11 W 20 L 13 W 22 2.0
17 Disha R Harsha WI 30405163 239 334 L 7 L 22 W 24 W 25 2.0
18 Charles N Landey WI 12531107 811 765 W 23 L 6 D 19 L 9 1.5
19 Anish Gowda WI 30790399 606 605 L 3 W 25 D 18 L 10 1.5
20 Addison Kueker IL 31692897 101P4 119P7 L 1 L 16 D 25 X 1.5
21 Shravan Sabarish WI 31184590 882 769 W 25 L 5 L 14 L 15 1.0
22 Peter Bucher WI 30067906 616P20 566P24 L 12 W 17 L 8 L 16 1.0
23 Abraham Fredrick Sloan WI 30633234 425P23 424 L 18 L 2 W 26 U 1.0
24 Justin Kueker IL 31692878 441P4 322P7 L 6 L 14 L 17 B 1.0
25 Gregory Barrette WI 16235433 295P21 240P25 L 21 L 19 D 20 L 17 0.5
26 Sawyer Henry Thomas WI 31736870 Unrated 101P3 L 13 L 15 L 23 F 0.0

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Club Championship - Beat the rush...sign up now!

 What: Waukesha Chess Club Championship – 21-Feb – 27-Mar

                6/SS, G/100;d5 in Two Sections – Open and Reserve (u1000)

Where: Waukesha F.O.E #453 (Eagles Club), 709 N Grandview Blvd, Waukesha, WI 53188

When: Rounds start at 7PM sharp each Wed
Who: YOU, if you sign up.  Can’t play 6 rounds?  ok!  Up to two ½ point byes (R6 if requested before round 4 starts).   Any requested byes I know about are shown below - just a couple so far.
EF:   $5 - such a deal !!
Prizes: $200 Prize fund for the open section, Reserve based on entries
  • Traveling trophy to Open Winner - playoff to determine trophy (not $ prize) if tied.
  • $100 in Open for the winner and $20 each for the winners of Class A, B, C, D and E.
  • 1st and class prizes for Reserve TBD

Sign up here by replying below (limited time on 21-Feb to sign up and start the round promptly...), we’ll pair you and chase you for the entry fee…), or email me at chess@demastri.com

I'll update this list as I get entries, thanks!!

NOTE - Anthony Davis - there was a problem with your ID provided, see me next Wed (or reply here).

Players:Open                                                              Page 1

 No.            Name             Team  Gr  Rate    Pts  Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4
    1 Chaveriat, Lee                         1277   0.0 ---  ---  ---  ---
    2 Cravetz, Gregory John                  1802   0.0 ---  ---  ---  ---
    3 De Mastri, John                        1795   0.0 ---  ---  ---  ---
    4 Grochowski, Robin J                    1680   0.0 ---  ---  ---  ---
    5 Kerns, Benjamin                        1559P7 0.0 ---  ---  ---  ---
    6 Krause, Aaron Paul                     1894   0.0 ---  ---  ---  ---
    7 Mishra, Ashish Kumar                   1854   0.0 ---  ---  ---  ---
    8 Murphy, Robert Lee                     1929   0.0 ---  ---  ---  ---
    9 Nickell, James W                       1500   0.0 ---  ---  ---  ---
   10 Roeder, Matthew W                      1825   0.0 ---  ---  ---  ---
   11 Seghers, Evan C                        2074   0.0 ---  ---  ---  ---
   12 Wainscott, Chris                       1802   0.0 ---  ---  ---  -H-
   13 Williams, William P                    2200   0.0 ---  ---  ---  ---

Players:Reserve                                                           Page 1

 No.            Name             Team  Gr  Rate    Pts
    1 Arun, Arnav                             323   0.0
    2 Davis, Anthony                                0.0
    3 Kakumanu, Veda Anish Anish, J           799   0.0
    4 Sabarish, Shashwath                     490   0.0
    5 Sabarish, Shravan                       721   0.0