
Friday, April 29, 2022

Spring Fling 2022 - Final Crosstable

Congratulations to Jack Creed – winner of the Open Section (on tiebreaks) – and to Charles Landey – winner of the Reserve Section – for their 1st Place Finishes!!

27 Apr 22 -- Open Cross Table

No. Gr Name(Team)                                 St   Rate Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Score

1. Creed, John Jack (6,A) ...................... WI 1736  W20  D6   W15  W5     3.5

2. Krause, Aaron Paul (2) ....................... WI 1922 W22  W9   W3    -H-     3.5

3. Williams, William P (1,A) .................... WI 2200  W14  W11 L2     W9     3.0

4. Mccutchin, Clark (3) ........................... WI 1917  L15    W18 W12 -H-     2.5

5. Coons, James Jay (4) ........................ WI 1784 W16  D15   W8     L1     2.5

6. Roeder, Matthew W (5) ...................... WI 1770 W19  D1     L7     W13   2.5

7. De Mastri, John (7) ............................. WI 1659 W21 -H-     W6    -N-     2.5

8. Gendloff, Elie (9) ................................ MO 1622 -H-   W13   L5     W15   2.5

9. Grochowski, Robin J (8,B) ................. WI 1641  W17  L2    W19   L3      2.0

10. Pennell, Andrew (15) .......................... WI 1338 -U-  W17 -H-     D12    2.0

11. Wasmund, Gerald (22) ....................... WI nnnn W12 L3   L13    W19    2.0

12. Nickell, James W (10) ........................ WI 1527 L11  W16 L4     D10     1.5

13. Klandrud, Kevin (11,C) ....................... WI 1525 -H-   L8    W11   L6       1.5

14. Hansen, David E (12) ......................... WI 1499 L3 -H-     -N-     W18    1.5

15. Rusch, Lucas (14) .............................. WI 1391 W4  D5    L1      L8      1.5

16. Gundlach, Mike (17) ........................... WI 1300 L5   L12   -X-    -H-      1.5

17. Frey, Dan (21) .................................... WI 944    L9   L10  -H-     W21   1.5

18. Beckwith, John (16) ............................ WI 1316 -U-  L4     W21    L14  1.0

19. Mondal, Oishik (18,C) ........................ WI 1256   L6  W22  L9      L11   1.0

20. Ninneman, Adam (19) ........................ WI 1231  L1   -H-   -N-      -N-    0.5

21. Hansen, Evan Micheal (20) ................ WI 1112  L7   -H-     L18   L17    0.5

22. Evert, John A (13) .............................. WI 1444  L2   L19    -F-     -N-     0.0

27 Apr 22 -- Reserve Cross Table

No. Gr Name (Team)                                 St Rate Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Score

1. Landey, Charles N (4) ........................ WI 758  W8    -X-     W3  W4     4.0

2. Klinkner, Patrick Edward (1) ............... WI 898  W10  -F-     W9  W6     3.0

3. Gupta, Nisarg (2) ................................ WI 836  W7   W9     L1   -H-      2.5

4. Menon, Purvi (3) ................................. WI 834  W5   W12   -H-   L1      2.5

5. Klass, Ralph F (9) ............................... WI 440  L4     W7    -H-  W9      2.5

6. Mohapatra, Devyanshu (7) ................. 547       -U-     W11  W10 L2      2.0

7. Kakumanu , Veda Anish (8) ............... WI 471   L3     L5     W12  W10  2.0

8. Davidson, Grant (10) .......................... WI 415   L1     L10   W11  W12  2.0

9. Mokhasi, Shrijay (5) ............................ WI 726  W11  L3     L2     L5     1.0

10. Mading, James E (6) .......................... WI 690 L2     W8     L6    L7    1.0

11. Akkina, Jaswanth (11) ........................ WI 112  L9     L6     L8     -B-   1.0

12. Borowski, Thomas Anton (12) ............ WI 105 -B-     L4     L7     L8    1.0

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Club Speed Chess Championship - Results

Section A 
PLAYER'S NAME     RATING  1   2    3     4    5    6        TOTAL 
1 Zapata, John    2300       1 1  1 1   1 1  1 1  1 1        10 
2 Creed,Jack      1471   0 0      1 0   1 1  1 1  1 1         7 
3 Klandrud, Kevin 1420   0 0 1 0        0 0  1 1  1 1         5 
4 Mokhasi, Shrijay 751   0 0 0 0  1 1        1 1  1 1         6 
5 Klass, Ralph     684   0 0 0 0  0 0   0 0       1 1         2 
6 Mishra, Brihad Unrated 0 0 0 0  0 0   0 0  0 0              0

Section B 
PLAYER'S NAME     RATING  1   2     3     4     5    6       TOTAL 
1 Williams, William 1900     0 1/2 1 1   1 1   1 1  1 1       8.5 
2 Nickell, James    1500 1 1/2     1 1   1 1   0 0  1 1       7.5 
3 Gundlach, Mike    1200 0 0 0 0         0 0   0 0  0 0         0 
4 Ni, Sam            815 0 0 0 0   1 1         0 1  1 1         5 
5 Gupta, Nisarg      640 0 0 1 1   1 1   1 0        1 1         7 
6 Mishra, Aranyak Unrated0 0 0 0   0 0   0 0   0 0              0 

Section C 
PLAYER'S NAME     RATING 1    2    3    4    5    6   7   TOTAL 
1 Rivedal, Andrew 1670       1 1  0 1  1 1 1X 1X 1 1 1 1     11
2 Gendloff, Elie  1500  0 0       0 1  0 0  1 1  1 1 0 1      6 
3 Davis,Tom       1180  1 0  1 0       0 1  1 1  1 0 0 0      6 
4 Mondal, Oishik   981  0 0  1 1  0 1       1 1  1 1 0 1      8 
5 Davidson, Grant  400  0 0  0 0  0 0  0 0       0 0 0F0F     0 
6 Stolp, Sage      400  0 0  0 0  0 1  0 0  1 1      0 0      3
7 Hansen, Evan     900  0 0  0 1  1 1  1 0 1X 1X 1 1          8 

Section D
PLAYER'S NAME     RATING  1   2    3    4    5    6        TOTAL 
1 Krause, Aaron   1650       1 1  1 1  1 1  1 1 1X 1X        10 
2 Corcoran, Ben   1528   0 0      0 1  1 1                    4 
3 Ninneman, Adam  1250   0 0 0 1       0 1  1 1  1 1          6 
4 Fitzgerald, Rick1050   0 0 0 0  1 0       1 1  1 1          5 
5 Kakumanu, Veda   300   0 0      0 0  0 0  1 1               2 
6 Borowski, Tom    200  0F 0F  0  0 0  0 0  0 0               0 

Playoff Games       1 2 Total 
A John Zapata       1 1   2 
B William Williams  0 0   0 

Playoff Games       1 2 Total
C Andrew Rivedal    1 1   2 
D Aaron Krause      0 0   0 

Final Playoff       1 2 Total
Andrew Rivedal      0 0   0
John Zapata         1 1   2

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Club Speed Chess Championship

The Waukesha Chess Club Speed Championship will be held on April 20, 2022.
Sign up before 7 p.m.
Entry Fee:  $1
rent in the coffee can:  $0
time control:  5 minutes per player per game (no delay)
two sections, with ratings distributed as equally as possible

Double Round Robin – 
each player in a section plays every other player in that section
two games, once with white, once with black.

This tournament is not rated.  USCF membership is not required.
If a player does not see that he/she is in check and makes a move, 
the opponent may capture that player’s king and win the game.

To win on time a player must have mating material.
At the end of section play, the section winners will have a playoff of two games, 
with extra games as necessary to determine a winner of the playoff.
Entry fees will be divided between the ultimate playoff players, 
2/3 to the champion, 1/3 to the runnerup

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Final Crosstable for Club Championship

Congratulations to Evan Seghers for a fine performance and winning the Club Championship for 2022!

To display this crosstable properly, you need to use a monospaced font such as Courier. Prepared April 13, 2022 23:55:14
Event ID:        202204135382
Event Name:      2022 CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP
Location:        WAUKESHA WI 53186
Event Dates:     2022-03-09 - 2022-04-13
Stats:           2 Sections, 42 Players, 99 Games
Affiliate:       A5008948 WAUKESHA CHESS CLUB
Chief TD:        11300855 JAMES W NICKELL
Asst Chief TD:   15938368 KEVIN KLANDRUD

Section:         1 OPEN
Section Dates:   2022-03-09 - 2022-04-13
Sec Chief TD:    11300855 JAMES W NICKELL
Sec Asst Chf TD: 15938368 KEVIN KLANDRUD
Stats:           6 Rounds, 28 Players, 67 Games, Swiss
Rating Stats:    Regular Ratings Full K
Dates:           Received: 2022-04-09, Entered: 2022-04-09, Rated: 2022-04-13
Re-Rated:        2022-04-13

 Memb ID PAIR       NAME        ST PRERATE PSTRATE   1     2     3     4     5     6   TOTAL
-------- ---- ----------------- -- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
13712498    1 SEGHERS, EVAN C   WI 1959*   2007*   W--18 W---7 W--16 D---2 W---4 W---6  5.5
10481783    2 BECKER, ALLEN J   WI 2000*   2027*   H---0 W---8 W---6 D---1 W---3 D---4  4.5
10310547    3 WILLIAMS, WILLIAM WI 2200*   2200*   W--10 L---6 W--21 W--13 L---2 W--14  4.0
12422831    4 KRAUSE, AARON  PA WI 1895*   1922*   W--28 H---0 W---5 W--16 L---1 D---2  4.0
12391010    5 LA BUDDE, MIKE    WI 1975*   1945*   H---0 W--23 L---4 D--17 W--11 D---8  3.5
12539124    6 MCCUTCHIN, CLARK  WI 1913*   1917*   W--22 W---3 L---2 W---8 D--14 L---1  3.5
12442084    7 CREED, JOHN JACK  WI 1720*   1736*   W--20 L---1 H---0 W--15 W--12 U---0  3.5
11164412    8 GROCHOWSKI, ROBIN WI 1620*   1641*   W--27 L---2 W--10 L---6 W--18 D---5  3.5
12580948    9 DE MASTRI, JOHN   WI 1662*   1659*   H---0 D--17 D--14 D--18 D--13 W--20  3.5
15938368   10 KLANDRUD, KEVIN   WI 1451*   1526*   L---3 X--28 L---8 W--24 D--17 W--16  3.5
30205017   11 MONDAL, OISHIK    WI 1088*   1256*   L--14 D--26 B---0 W--21 L---5 W--17  3.5
12493180   12 GENDLOFF, ELIE    MO 1628*   1622*   H---0 D--21 H---0 W--22 L---7 W--19  3.5
12622916   13 ROEDER, MATTHEW W WI 1776*   1770*   W--19 D--25 H---0 L---3 D---9 D--15  3.0
12551569   14 COONS, JAMES JAY  WI 1786*   1784*   W--11 L--16 D---9 W--23 D---6 L---3  3.0
11300855   15 NICKELL, JAMES W  WI 1500*   1527*   L--25 W--19 D--17 L---7 W--22 D--13  3.0
14279562   16 MARKOWSKI, JASON  WI 1998*   1956*   W--26 W--14 L---1 L---4 H---0 L--10  2.5
30469076   17 PARIZA, MICHAEL W WI 1651*   1618*   D--21 D---9 D--15 D---5 D--10 L--11  2.5
16376618   18 BHADORIA, AGASTYA WI 1250*   1277*   L---1 W--27 H---0 D---9 L---8 D--22  2.5
16869825   19 PERERA, KEVINDU K WI 1182*   1227*   L--13 L--15 H---0 W--27 W--21 L--12  2.5
30180479   20 HANSEN, EVAN MICH WI 1026/18 1112/23 L---7 B---0 L--23 W--26 D--23 L---9  2.5
12691798   21 PUCHNER, JOHN D   WI 1608*   1547*   D--17 D--12 L---3 L--11 L--19 B---0  2.0
14901474   22 RUSCH, LUCAS      WI 1421*   1391*   L---6 H---0 W--27 L--12 L--15 D--18  2.0
15567296   23 TRAYANOV, IVAN K  WI 1644*   1614*   H---0 L---5 W--20 L--14 D--20 U---0  2.0
12642533   24 EVERT, JOHN A     WI 1476/12 1444/15 H---0 U---0 D--26 L--10 U---0 W--27  2.0
12876397   25 WALLER, MATTHEW   WI 2080*   2073*   W--15 D--13 U---0 U---0 U---0 U---0  1.5
15734951   26 BECKWITH, JOHN    WI 1351*   1316*   L--16 D--11 D--24 L--20 U---0 U---0  1.0
30456341   27 FREY, DAN         WI  987/04  944/09 L---8 L--18 L--22 L--19 B---0 L--24  1.0
30261484   28 WALTRIP, WILL STE WI 1105/19 1104/20 L---4 F--10 U---0 U---0 U---0 U---0  0.0

Section:         2 RESERVE
Section Dates:   2022-03-09 - 2022-04-13
Sec Chief TD:    11300855 JAMES W NICKELL
Sec Asst Chf TD: 
Stats:           6 Rounds, 14 Players, 32 Games, Swiss
Rating Stats:    Regular Ratings Full K
Dates:           Received: 2022-04-09, Entered: 2022-04-09, Rated: 2022-04-13
Re-Rated:        2022-04-13

 Memb ID PAIR       NAME        ST PRERATE PSTRATE   1     2     3     4     5     6   TOTAL
-------- ---- ----------------- -- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
30499807    1 GUNDLACH, MIKE    WI 1300/00 1300/05 W--11 W---8 H---0 W---2 W---3 W---5  5.5
30245509    2 GUPTA, NISARG     WI  647*    836*   W--14 W---5 W---4 L---1 W---9 W---6  5.0
17280562    3 MENON, PURVI      WI  812*    834*   H---0 U---0 W--12 W---6 L---1 X---9  3.5
30289677    4 KLINKNER, PATRICK WI  910/17  898/21 W--12 W---9 L---2 W---5 H---0 U---0  3.5
30368840    5 MOKHASI, SHRIJAY  WI  723/15  726/21 W--10 L---2 W---6 L---4 W---8 L---1  3.0
12780703    6 MADING, JAMES E   WI  680*    690*   W---8 W---7 L---5 L---3 W--11 L---2  3.0
30330448    7 DIDERRICH, NATHAN WI  583/10  564/15 H---0 L---6 W--10 L---8 W--12 D--11  3.0
30466766    8 KAKUMANU , VEDA A WI  379/03  471/09 L---6 L---1 W--14 W---7 L---5 W--10  3.0
30325572    9 DAVIDSON, GRANT   WI  415/12  415/15 B---0 L---4 H---0 W--14 L---2 F---3  2.5
30471236   10 BOROWSKI, THOMAS  WI  200/03  105/08 L---5 L--14 L---7 B---0 W--14 L---8  2.0
12531107   11 LANDEY, CHARLES N WI  822*    758*   L---1 H---0 H---0 U---0 L---6 D---7  1.5
14366034   12 KLASS, RALPH F    WI  467*    440*   L---4 L--13 L---3 H---0 L---7 W--14  1.5
12642533   13 EVERT, JOHN A     WI 1444/15 1444/16 H---0 W--12 U---0 U---0 U---0 U---0  1.5
30298526   14 AKKINA, JASWANTH  WI  302/03  112/09 L---2 W--10 L---8 L---9 L--10 L--12  1.0