
Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Speed Championship Details, 4/3

On Wednesday, April 3, the Waukesha Chess Club will hold its annual speed championship tournament.

Tournament details are as follows:

Round Robin in sections; each player will play everyone else in the section, once with White, once with Black

Time control:  5 minutes per game, no delay setting

To win on time, if one player's time has expired, the opponent must have mating material to claim a win on time; otherwise, the game is a draw.

A move is not complete until the player has pressed the clock to stop his/her clock and start the opponent's clock.

A King in check may be captured; this ends the game.

In case of an illegal move, reset the board to the position before the illegal move was made, and continue the game.

Entry Fee:  $1; 

Ignore the coffee can.  No rent payment is due for this tournament.

This is an "Unrated" tournament.  No USCF membership is required..

Notify Jim or reply here before Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. if you want to play, or come to the Eagles Club and enter before 7:00 p.m. Wednesday.

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